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Serif Font: Colombo Normal [STD]

Colombo Normal

With more than 80 fonts in more than 300 different sizes in its portfolio Hermann Ihlenburg perhaps is the most productive, classicists, and rarely for good any designer of all time.

PreussType offers them two on this page: Colombo Normal and Colombo Outline.

1843 in Berlin Ihlenburg was born interest in drawing and engraving very early in his childhood. He was recorded around the age of fourteen type foundry in Berlin as an apprentice in the Trowitzsch & son. He went shortly after the end of their apprenticeships to Dresden, later as engraver to Prague, where he began to work the Foundry as an engraver for the G. Haase. A year later he took up a post in three different foundries temporarily: Flinsch in Frankfurt/Main, the Battenburg Foundry (later Gustav Majeur) in Paris and the Foundry Basler in Berlin.

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The visually trained eye remains the measure of design.

[Werner Schneider]
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z . a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z , 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 7 9 0
But I must explain to you how all this mis­taken idea of de­noun­cing plea­sure and prai­sing pain was born and I will give you a com­ple­te ac­count of the sys­tem, and ex­pound the ac­tu­al teach­ings of the great ex­plo­rer of the truth, the ma­ster buil­der of hu­man happ­iness. No one re­jects, dis­likes, or av­oids plea­sure it­self, be­cause it is plea­sure, but be­cause those who do not know how to pursue plea­sure ra­tio­nally en­coun­ter con­se­quen­ces that are ex­tre­me­ly pain­ful. Nor again is there any­one who lov­es or pur­sues or de­sires to ob­tain pain of it­self, be­cause it is pain, but be­cause occas­ional­ly ci­rcum­stan­ces occur in which toil and pain can pro­cure him some great plea­sure.
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Greek is unfortunately not available in this font.
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